Hello all. Thanks for all the messages, I left little responses on them. Here as I promised a few excepts from my journal. KR.... sorry I can not read them aloud. Oh, and remember how addicted I was to matatoos ..... I am even more qddicted to zems. Okay, journal entries. And I am still working on photos, no luck just yet. 8/11 Dad pulled up to the airport and simply gave me a kiss on the cheek and drove away. He truly is such a great father and I don t think I give him enou...
Okay.... So, I am a nerd and have started packing already. I leave Greencastle in exactly one month and I figure it is not much differant than when I left for college. I begged for boxes two months before to start packing for DePauw. Come to think of it, hell, I asked for money to buy school supplies when I was in third grade. I didn't want anyone to go with me, I just wanted money. I devised a budget, did proce comparisons, this is the type of kid I was. So, why should it come as an...
Hello all, This is an unexpected visit. For those of you following West African news, Togo s president died and the military inserted his son as the president rewritting the constitution. African leaders are calling this a military coup. So, yeah, all of this happened lqst weekend. Since I live about fifteen minutes from the border the other volunteer and I called PC on Monday. It is very peaceful in both of our villages, but we wanted to make contact. Anyway, PC said to be careful, ...
Well, I am cheating a little bit and typing this update from the workstation and then am bringing a disk over to the Cyber Café. I just for some reason feel pressured to write down my thoughts and moments here in Benin into the thirty minutes I have at the café. So, yeah, I will write in my insomnia. My life here is becoming routine and in some ways boring (to the outside world of wow…you mean you live in Africa). I feel like I have nothing new to tell, but not because there are not a...
Sorry all. This will be breif, because I have litterally been and will be in Parakou for 24 hours and still have a lot of work I need to do. It is test time for the mid semester February 7th and my exams are do on the 19th. Also, on the 19th my boss Maria comes for a site visit. So, I have to finish some reports and fill out a bunch of forms. Plus, teach and keep up with my other projects. Sometimes I am too busy and then other days I realize it is for a good reason and cause. All ...
Merry Christmas everyone. It is my first holidays away from home and I guess it would be dishonest not to admit it is a little hard. But, being on vacation, having rwo weeks away from my students, and being surrounded by other Americans helps ease the pain a bit. With Christmas is obviously another birthday. I am turning 23 and this is the first year I can remember actually feeling older. These past five months, for some reason, have gone by so quickly, but I feel like it has also been...
Well, as of today exactly I have been a volunteer for one month. It has flown by in general, especially this last week, because of traveling. But, I had to go to the bigger city to get money. We get paid every three months, I think it equals like 600 bucks every three months, Can you imagine, oh well, it is plenty of money and I think I will be able to save some for trips and vacations, This week I gave quizzes to all my class, So far it is the really only frustrating part of my jo...
Okay, so here is my first post as an official government official and an United States Peace Corps volunteer. I know, and I am also one tired on. We stayed,up all night at the American Cultural Center, watching the election returns. It was neat to be a part of it, even if no decision was made yet. Anyway, I am leaving well moving tomorrow. It is really weird, at 7am sharp. I will most likely not have email until Thanksgiving, but will defenately leave alonger post. As you can imagine...
Quick note. Here in the capital, actually in the Peace Corps office. Yesterday was a beautiful day. I shopped, ate a cheesburger, pizza, and had draft beer. I know, the little things. Alrighty, there is a long line for the computers. Love you all. I am heading back to Lokossa today and cooking for 18. Yeah, not that excited, but it is a good gift for my homestay family.
Well folks!!!!!! Guess what? I passed my language test. To be honest, I think a little of it was like the professor who refuses to give a D to a senior who needs that class to graduate, but instead gives a C------. Anyway, I do know French and I can get around fairly easy. I also am done practicing teaching and met that requirement with flying colors. All that stands in my way is passing a test about bikes and a true false questionaire about security. So, yeah, as of November Sec...
Well!!!!!! Some photos are up. Not all, but some. The site again is: yorkphoto.com When you go there, press login, it should be in the upper left corner. E-mail to use is areifsnyder@depauw.edu and the password is Schmackles. I will try to put more up as the weeks go by. Love you all!
Guess what? In two weeks I will be a full fledged volunteer. We swear in the same day as election. By the way, just mailed my absentee ballot. It was really cool, my second election and I am doing it overseas. Time right now is very hectic. I have class every morning from 8 to 12:30 and then go home only to come back to four hours of French. It is crunch time, our big test is next Thursday and I need to get intermediate high. Wish me luck. I am a bit nervous, but oh well, what ca...
I guess, I live a boring life. Not reall much to report, and I am going away thisweekend. So, I will try to post what I did on Sunday. First trip with the homestay family. Wish me luck. OH....dog name is decided__ Sorry. In french, dusmoi. Spelling is probably wrong, that is one of the many words I know how tosay but not spell. Love you all. Oh thanks to all for the sudden influx of mail. I am writing letters back as we speak.
So, after my last post I had a house and now I have a job. I started teaching model lessons this week and according to the facilitators I am a natural. I just said it was genetic. I mean my intire family is teachers. Monday I taught this mini lesson for only an hour. It was basic greeting in English, their first time taking the language. The kids were around the ages of 10 to 15 and really adorable. I spoke no French at all, and it was neat to see their faces as they spurted out Good m...
Finally, I am able to post. I appologize, but the last few weeks have been like the hurrucanes I am hearing about near the coast. Specifically, I know have seen where I will call home for the next two years. Like I said before it is a little village near Togo. If you look at the map it is between Nattitango, Djougou, ad Kara in Togo. Djougou is quite a large city and the point of entry for me. I took a bus taxi from Cotonou, th captial city. It is about a six to seven hour ride. But...