Stay in touch with Annie
Published on August 29, 2005 By Beninian Annie In Misc

I only have two stomach parasites at my mid-service check-in. I consider that a major accomplishment. Officially my weight is 162 down from 204. My teeth have been cleaned and my eyes checked. So, a toast to my good health is perhaps in order.

I have been comming and going from village. After the tragic accident, things were very normal. The parents of the girls I took seemed almost to be apologizing more to me for my loss. SDeath here is just taken in a completely different context, which perhaps was the hardest thing, because I simply had nothing to compare it to.

Anyway, on lighter and more joyous news, my grant got funded. Thank you to whoever it was because I am honestly not sure who funded it just yet. For those of you who are still interested, there is a girls scholarship program on-line right now. I am on the committee and it is an excellent opportunity to further girls education in Benin. So, if you want to donate to Peace Corps, didn't get the chance and want is your chance, because I can almost guarantee I will not do another project requesting this magnatude of funds again.

Also, I posted a ton of photos. Check them out at

on Aug 30, 2005
Only two parasites?! Oh mercy. Tom has given me passport photos and Mike INSISTS they are in the mail, so I should be doing visa applications this week. Let me know if we will need malaria medicine; if so, I should take care of that pretty soon.
on Aug 30, 2005
Only Two parasites? Wow, I've had more than that here in the States! WTG!!

Keep up the good work and thanks for keeping us posted.
on Aug 31, 2005
Hey Annie!

Glad to hear that you are doing well!

I'm so sorry about those little girls! That had to be a hard time. One a different note, I am so excited for you and your project. It sounds like you are making quite an impact and I know those girls will benefit from your presence for the rest of their lives!

Be looking in the mail....I might have sent you an invitation to a party, even though I know you can't come!

Take care!