Stay in touch with Annie
Here in Benin
Published on August 14, 2004 By Beninian Annie In Misc

I am here in Benin. Yes, finally after about 30 hours of traveling. It was exhausting, but all the people have been really cool. Our bags were the last to come off the plane. But, after that we exited the airport and then were greeted by huge applause by current RCVs. They were all happy and excited and we had an even bigger welcome after we lugged our stuff to the truck and then went to the Convent where we are staying. It is a quant place, much like the guesthouses in Kenya. Other than that training has been very generic. The welcomes and give outs. We had out language training today and then got all our helmets and bikes.

Alrighty, the line is long and my fifteen minutes are up. Love you all. Write me often and e-mail!

Annie Reifsnyder
Peace Corps Trainee
BP 917
Cotonou, Benin
West Africa

on Aug 19, 2004
Sounds like you are off to a good start, Annie. I am here visiting Grandma and Grandpa and they are excited by your postings. We celebrated Gram's 87th on Tuesday. I had Swiss steak, which I suppose is not a frequent menu item for you so far from Switzerland! Do keep the news coming. We love you.